Get Rid of The Dark Circles By Best Doctor For Pigmentation in East Delhi

 Were dark circles a major health issue? According to the Best Doctor For Pigmentation in East Delhi - Not really, but many people feel that dark circles make them look tired, older, and unhealthy under their eyes. Dark circles under the eyes, depending on the colour of the skin, may look purple or blue to dark brown or black. 

Such circles are often a cause of concern, but for cosmetic reasons, people may want to improve their appearance. In some cases, dark circles under the eyes may suggest a need for changes in lifestyle, such as improvements in sleeping habits or diet.

Reasons for Dark Circles

While dark circles are most frequently caused by exhaustion under your eyes, there are also other causes, including:

  • The skin under the eyes thinner

  • Smoking

  • pigmentation irregularities

  • Allergies

  • Sun exposure

  • Thyroid conditions

  • Frequent eye rubbing

  • Anaemia from iron deficiency

The natural ageing cycle is another cause of dark circles. You tend to lose fat and collagen as you age, and often thin your hair. This can increase the visibility of the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes. We often usually develop puffy eyelids and hollows under their eyes as people age. Some physical changes often cast shadows under the eyes that may appear to be dark circles.

Some Home Remedies for Dark Circle

When people age, they sometimes grow puffy eyelids and hollows under their ears. Many physical changes often cast under the eyes shadows that might seem to be dark circles.

While some of these treatments are not scientifically proven, they may be worth trying as many are affordable and do not produce side effects.

  • More Sleep People can make sure they get enough quality nightly sleep to help reduce and eliminate dark circles.

  • Tea Bags under the eyes can help reduce dark circles and puffiness. Caffeine has antioxidant properties, enhancing the flow of blood around the eyes.

  • Cucumber applying slices of cucumber to the eyes can soothe tired eyes and reduce swelling. The high content of cucumber in water and vitamin C can help nourish and moisturize the skin.

  • Antioxidant Skincare Products Face creams and products containing antioxidants in the under-eye can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. Vitamins E and C can help treat dark circles as antioxidants.

  • Facials Poor circulation around the eyes can cause dark circles to appear. Smooth massage through a facial around the region of the eye may help improve circulation.

Medical Treatment for Under Eye Pigmentation

If under the ears, home remedies don't get rid of dark circles, a person can see their physician or dermatologist for medical treatment advice.

  • Chemical Peel a dermatologist may recommend a light chemical peel under the eyes to lighten dark pigmentation

  • Laser therapy for dark circles can be an effective treatment. Less invasive treatments with lasers

  • The cream that lightens the skin a dermatologist can prescribe a skin-lightening cream with azelaic acid, kojic acid, glycolic acid, or hydroquinone to lighten the hyperpigmentation of the under-eye.

  • Fillers an ophthalmologist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon or specially trained health care provider may inject a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler such as Restylane or Juvederm into the tissue under the eye.

When to see the doctor

When swelling and discolouration occur under one eye, it should be addressed with your doctor, particularly if it seems to get worse over time.

Although it is usually not a health concern to have dark circles under your eyes, you may want them to disappear for cosmetic reasons.

Dr. Prerna Taneja as the Best Doctor For Pigmentation in East Delhi  suggests a number of home remedies and medical treatments are available to remove or decrease the appearance of dark circles.


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