
Showing posts from May, 2021

Get Rid of The Dark Circles By Best Doctor For Pigmentation in East Delhi

  Were dark circles a major health issue? According to the Best Doctor For Pigmentation in East Delhi - Not really, but many people feel that dark circles make them look tired, older, and unhealthy under their eyes. Dark circles under the eyes, depending on the colour of the skin, may look purple or blue to dark brown or black.  Such circles are often a cause of concern, but for cosmetic reasons, people may want to improve their appearance. In some cases, dark circles under the eyes may suggest a need for changes in lifestyle, such as improvements in sleeping habits or diet. Reasons for Dark Circles While dark circles are most frequently caused by exhaustion under your eyes, there are also other causes, including: The skin under the eyes thinner Smoking pigmentation irregularities Allergies Sun exposure Thyroid conditions Frequent eye rubbing Anaemia from iron deficiency The natural ageing cycle is another cause of dark circles. You tend to lose fat and collagen as you age, and often